Opera 入り Live CD
いまおそさんが言っているのは 8月 26日に書いた Cool Linux CD だと思います。その時試したのは Release Candidate だったのですが、その後 2.3 が正式に出たようです。
ただし OpenOffice.org は 1.0.3 かも知れません。最近ではダイタさんが試されてスクリーンショットなどを見れるので参考になるかと思います。あ、日本語入力は出来ませんので。
Now from Opera 7.11 on Cool Linux CD 2.3 Now I can see Ad, Cafesta is on the right top corner, :-) If you try to test Cool Linux CD, first hit Enter/Return to the questions for 3 times. That's important, in case you do not understand English well.
IceWM is quite light/comfortable to use. If it had reasonable file manager/viewer, I'd like to use it instead of heavy KDE. Yes, Midnight Commander is not very bad, but for the lazy/Windonized person like me likes Konq-like easiness.
It has xine, DVD player with it, good. nVidia display driver comes with it, so Tux Racer, for its first play, you can do it within one minute! Quite speedy! Muu, if I did not have RH9, I would do HDD install this Russian Live Linux, no kidding.