

Opera for Windows with Java v7.23 and we have Opera 7.23 for Linux both en and ja on the ftp. No Chage log yet, so wait a moment. Build 3226 for Japanese Windows -:) , build 516 for Japanese Linux.
How do I upgrade 7.22 to 7.23 on Linux?

  1. Back up style directory in /usr/share/opera
  2. Run rpm on KDE
  3. Over-write /usr/share/opera/style
  4. Rewrite Title=Opera7.23 build%s at opera6.ini in USER/.opera
  5. That's all, run opera

As for id of M2, it sends Opera7.2"3" build 516, fine. The M2 of previous 7.22 sends id as 7.21.
日本語版が FreeBSD and Solaris 用も ftp にありますね。Changelog for Opera 7.23 for Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris も同様。