Brothers of KNOPPIX

Knoppix-STD 0.1, which has fluxbox as its window manager, works so light. Now from Mozilla Firebird 0.7 on it. Bundled many security related applications, so foreign to me. As usual, unable to write Japanese in.
Now from Mozilla on Gnoppix-0.6.0-RC1. Still lacks Japanese fonts, which even Knoppix-STD has. Displaying Kanji is their issue.
Another interesting CD is Skollinux, but it is not Live-CD. It's a customized Debian especially for school use, and tries to install Debian into HDD.
PCLinuxOnline によると KNOPPIX3.4 with kernel2.6 が来月にも(?)出るらしい。しかしクラウスさんのこちらの投稿では Kernel 2.4.23+ and/or 2.6.0+ のデュアルブートという案もあるように読める。もう少し興味がある人は debian-knoppix ML をチェックせよ。CeBit 2004 で出すというプランもあるようだ。