Qt and Opera
opera.wishlist に、初めてではないかも知れないが少なくとも久々に投稿しといた。例の qt-immodule の問題は次のリリース版までに直るんだろうなあと。Haavard は、まあ予想通りの答えを返してくれた。
Opera will probably be compatible with Qt 4 when it is out of beta, and when the major distributions have switched over to Qt 4.
で、ついでに少々挑発気味に Firefox 使ってるやつらは Opera って Qt に完全対応してないじゃんと言うけどとか振ってみたら(笑)これまたいつもの調子。
Opera *is* compatible with Qt. I don't think it makes sense to support a beta version of Qt just because some Firefox fans may find something bad to say about Opera. If this is the worst they can find, I'm not exactly worried. And the people who say these things probably won't switch to Opera anyway, having made up their minds about it and all.