
ひげ orange さんとこ経由で、"An Interview with Opera" - Opera Watch を読んでみる。

  • 英語に不自由している人は、新着の Yahoo! 翻訳のテストをかねて読めば良い。

Opera 関連情報を追いかけている人にとって目新らしいのを幾つか拾ってみる。

Comparing Opera and Firefox is like comparing apples and oranges, in a sense, as they are very different products. Let me also say that I think Firefox is a nice looking browser, and it works nicely for its use.
We think of Opera as a swiss army knife, or a leatherman multi-tool for the Web - it is light, handy, and has a wide range of tools that make your life easier. Firefox is a basic tool kit, and when you add on functionality to match the level of functions you have in Opera, you're lugging a big, heavy, tool box around.


Opera Watch: Have you ever been approached by Microsoft or any other major company with an offer to purchase your company or your products?
Opera: Yes, we have been approached by major companies but Opera's CEO, Jon von Tetzchner, has always declined the offers, no matter the dollar size, and maintained his commitment to offering the best Internet experience to everyone on any device.

もう一つは本文中に link のあった Mozilla FoundationOpera ASA 共同署名の入った Position Paper for the W3C Workshop on Web Applications and Compound Documents (2004 年 4 月の文書)かな。