From Espen

opera.linux にも Espen からアナウンスあり。Change Log として Windows 版に加えて以下の変更があるとの事。

  • Improved default font settings.
  • Multiple improvements and fixes to handling of detached windows.
  • New default location for downloaded files: directory is called "OperaDownloads" and placed outside the hidden ~/.opera directory.
  • Added two new command-line options to allow running several Opera processes:
    • name overrides standard Window Manager Class value (WM_CLASS).
    • postfix appends to WM_CLASS and WM Window Role.
  • Default Opera icon provided with the executable is now 48x48 pixels instead of 16x16. Add -small icon to the command line to use smaller icon
  • Fixed regression preventing files without suggested .htm or .html extensions from being saved with images.
  • Improved file handling when processing mail. Reducses risk for corrupted data if opera gets aborted.

ありゃあ? Multiple improvements and fixes to handling of detached windows. とあるけど、detached window で IM が ON にならないなあ。こりゃあまずいゾ。報告済。