

	} else if(hostname.indexOf('mail.google.')>-1){			// 196536, GMail: browser blocking prevents chat feature from appearing
		addPreprocessHandler( 'disablechatbrowsercheck', 'auth' );
				// 196536, GMail chat: autocomplete-secondlevel menus do nothing when you type in "Search, add, invite" box
		addPreprocessHandler( /=="roster_filter"\)\{var (.*);var (.)=(.).action;/, '=="roster_filter"){var $1;var $2=$3.action; $2=$2.toString().replace(new RegExp(location.protocol+\'//\'+location.hostname+location.pathname, \'\'), \'\');if(!isNaN(parseInt($2)))$2=parseInt($2);' );
				// 196536, GMail chat: Can not go "off record"
		addPreprocessHandler( '.explicitOriginalTarget.', '.target.' );
				// 214487, GMail: prevent navigation menu on the left in RTL interface
		document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function(){ 
		if(document.body.dir=='rtl' && document.getElementById('nav')){
		}, false )
			if(self==top)postError.call(opera, 'Opera has modified the JavaScript on '+hostname+' (GMail: browser blocking prevents chat feature from appearing\nGMail chat: autocomplete-secondlevel m...). See browser.js for details');