Epiphany は WebKit だけに

Epiphany は描画エンジンに Firefox と同じ Gecko を使っている Gnome プロジェクトのブラウザだ。

  • The Gecko release cycle is very long, ... prone to delays and not synchronised with the unvarying 6-month Gnome release cycle.
  • the feature work on Gecko are mostly driven by the Firefox browser, our main competitor
  • the embedding API of Gecko (GtkMozEmbed) has been unmaintained and stagnant

for a long time.

  • the current plans for "Mozilla 2.0" bring much uncertainty to us
  • We are a small team, ... Maintaining the abstraction layer, and the Gecko back-end require lot of effort and time.

This single back-end will be * WebKit *.

Gnome 2.24 以降、Epiphany のエンジンは WebKit だけになるという。