祝 Opera 7.20 Final !

かくして RC build 3144 が Final になった模様(Forum でハーバードが追認)。

The final version of Opera 7.20 is now available at www.opera.com.
Changelog and more is on the way.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the beta testing - it really makes a difference!
As for why the RC wasn't announced here, it was probably just a slip, and we *will* continue to announce beta releases here.
Thanks again, and welcome back in the not too distant future for more beta testing :)

opera.beta への Haavard K. Moen の投稿(日本時間 1655)。さあ、次は 7.21 beta だ!
Automatically CC と BCC が M2 に付いてた。人によっては嬉しいはず。その他、Change Log が出たらゆっくり読もう。