AIST による日本語版 20030924-20031015 が公開。ftp に最新 iso が見つからないので、代わりに gnoppix-0.6.0-beta2 など取得中。
De sono gnoppix0.6.0-beta2 kara. For the first time this kind of Live-CD could happily find right screen resolutions automatically on my system, wow it is better than latest KNOPPIX. Gnome 2.4 is a better, as I wrote before.
Listening to some mp3 on XMMS, "Hatena" is readable, by international font, but title of the page written in Japanese are displayed curious square on Mozilla, Gecko/20030802 Debian/1.4-1woody20
One of the most wanted issues are solved! There is a tiny button which changes keyboard layout Deutsch to English at once! Still basic informations are all written in German. Beware! English only person!