Once I tested ADIOS 1.3 Live CD during my summer vacation, now they offer the 2.00.iso file on their download page.
Now I'm getting the iso. After getting the iso, I've burnt it into CD at x48 speed. Now I write this from Mozilla 1.5/Gecko/20031016. It lacks Japanese fonts, so I see square boxes with some numbers in it.
Booting this Live-CD has no problem, although it asked me some settings about XFree86. Its KDE is 3.1-10 Red Hat, yes it is Red Hat, not a Fedora Core, but kernel is 2.4.22. During the boot sequences you can see " Welcome to Red Hat Linux" -:)
It doen's have xmms-mp3, alas!! So it is impossible to play mp3 from ADIOS. You need to get and install some extra rpm to do so. By the way, Windows partitions are mounted at /mnt/disc0/part something. I can open those partitions as read only mode.
Now you can view the screen shot taken by KSnapshot 0.5, modified by Gimp 1.2.3. Strangely enough, it offers ZAI-, instead of SAI-, and now you see the square boxes in the capture.