(Insider Report) - Here comes a surprise. In a recent conversation with one of our insiders at Microsoft, the source revealed that Microsoft Corp., the world's largest software maker, has acquired Opera Software, makers of the Opera browser. The insider reported that both Microsoft and Google were trying to bid on Opera, but in the end, the software maker took the lead.
内部の情報提供者によると、マイクロソフトは OperaASA の買収を完了した。マイクロソフトとグーグルは共に OperaASA の買収を試みたが、結局マイクロソフトが勝った。両社はブラウザの研究開発に協力し合う事で合意し、現時点ではインドがその候補地の一つと決まっている。買収はほとんど完了しているので、近日中にマイクロソフトから何らかの公式発表が聞けるはずである。
- やけに自信たっぷりに書いているので、万一単なる噂ではないと仮定して冷静に読み返してみた。昨日の Mac IE の件も併せて考えてみると、マイクロソフトとオペラが何らかの共同事業に合意した可能性なら有り得なくはない。昨日のエントリを my.opera blog に書いておいたら、Rijk が Opera は Opera 社員の baby だし、今自分たちのコントロールを失いたくはないとコメントしていた。これを深読みすると、コントロールを保ったままで、技術提供の申し出があれば受けないとも限らない。あらゆるコストの高い北欧ではなく、たとえばインドで OEM ブラウザを作るという可能性は、低いもののゼロではない。
- とりあえず今のうちから心の準備だけはしておくか :-)
- この件に関する OSNews の thread
- digg
- 昨日の噂に関する slashdot.org
Oslo, Norway - December 23, 2005 - Primary insiders Jon von Tetzchner (CEO), Hakon W. Lie (CTO) and Marit Bjornvold (married to Rolf Assev (CCO)) have today, together with Karl Anders Oygard (Lead Engineer), transferred 20,400,755 shares in Opera Software AS (19.68% of the share capital in Opera Software ASA) to the company....
Amadeus Invest AS. 続きを読むと分かるが、恐らくは税制上の問題から行われたものだろう。
Opera PR person Berit Hanson told Slashdot by phone from Oslo, Norway, that "last week it was Google, this week it's Microsoft." She laughed and added, "If I was working for Microsoft I think I'd know it, but I'm still in Oslo, not Washington, still working for Opera." Which, of course, is not to say it won't happen ... it just hasn't happened yet.
MICROSOFT has not made any approach to buy Opera, the company confirmed to the INQ today.
"Our phones have been ringing off the hook," said a spokesman for Opera. "But it's not true. We have not been bought, and we have not received any offers. It's just a rumour, like the Google rumour last week."
I happened to speak (by phone) with Microsoft's Robert Scoble last night, who told me that it would be extremely unlikely for Microsoft to buy Opera. He told me that if this were to occur it's likely that the US Justice Department would view this as a monopoly, and block the purchase.