downloading microsoft fonts

Håkon さんが繰り返し主張しているように、マイクロソフトのフォントを、必要に応じてウェブから自由にブラウザがダウンロード出来るようにならないものかという趣旨の記事。先週の記事だが、一読に値する。

"Core fonts for the Web" program it launched in 1996. About 10 font families--including familiar names like Arial, Georgia, Verdana and Times New Roman--were made available "for free to the Web community, on all platforms" as Microsoft told the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) at the time.

Unfortunately, Microsoft decided to close the project in 2002. The fonts are still available for anyone to use, but not to change. It is illegal to add support for more non-Western scripts.
