Opera - PGO build

Compiler optimizers sometimes make tweaks that are controversial: they improve performance in what it perceives as the most common case, but make it worse in the perceived least common case. The result can be much better if the compiler is given some hints. That's what PGO is about.


  • *NIX 系で CJK fonts should now look better in the default setup というあたりがもう一つの注目。
  • "URL player", a testing feature available in every Opera build (more information about that in a later blog post) についてまで、後程、解説があるという。
  • On both UNIX and OS X, the first PGO builds crashed. Work continues to resolve this issue. とあるように、非常に危険な build です。冒頭で、何も言うことはありません、と書いたのはそういう意味。