Opera 9.50 コメント幾つか

The awesomest of all awesome bars

The address bar in Opera 9.5 is the true awesomebar, not that other one you’ve heard of.


This release may even be the successor to Opera 7.5 in terms of a mid release packed with so many features, it could have been Opera 10.

2003 年初頭にリリースされた Opera 7 から 2005 年春の Opera 8 までの間に、Opera 7.5 というバージョンがあった。Opera 7.6 は 2004 年にテスト公開されたが、正式版になる前に多数の更新が入っているという理由で Opera 8 として公開された。

Opera has long been the place where browser ideas are generated, only to be copied by Mozilla and Microsoft and later incorporated into their browsers years later. Well, the latency has shortened: one of the key innovations of 9.5, full history search from the address bar, has been pinched by FireFox.
